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We understand that financial planning can be complex, which is why we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions
to help you better understand our services and how we can help you achieve your financial goals.
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General Questions


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What documents are required for e-KYC?

Generally, the KYC attributes are Name, Complete address, PAN, verified mobile number and email-id with Aadhar card, Income range, and details of custodians for the custodian settled clients has been made mandatory for Investors. 

Why mandate amount is more than my investment amount?

The mandated amount is essentially the maximum limit set for a daily transaction amount. Although the platform allows us to register mandates for up to Rs. 1 Crore but one has to choose the mandate limit as per their profile.

Does SIP has any lock-in?

SIPs (except ELSS funds and a some specific close-ended funds) do not have a lock-in period.

What is the purpose of enrolling on the online platform? Is it mandatory?

The convenience and error-free execution of your investment-related activities are crucial components of your entire investing experience. The act of signing documents can be difficult, challenging, and, in the worst case, error-prone. For this reason, it is advised to join the online platform to guarantee a simple and convenient investing experience.

What is FATCA?

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is known by the acronym FATCA. The US government came up with this rule to prevent tax evasion. As a result of this rule, US citizens' assets located abroad must now be disclosed to the US government. As per regulatory requirements, you only require a declaration that you are not a U.S. citizen in order to comply with regulatory requirements, and the mutual fund company will keep a record of it.

What is a bank mandate? Why it is necessary?

A bank mandate, sometimes referred to as a debit mandate, is a legal authority that you grant to a third party to regularly withhold a certain sum from your bank account. By applying for a bank mandate to automatically deduct a certain amount from their bank accounts and send it to the Asset Management Companies (AMCs) on particular dates, mutual fund investors grant the AMCs this right. The NACH mandate is another name for the Bank mandate. It is a quick, easy, and efficient process that makes investing much simpler for you. Since there is an auto-debit option available to them, investors do not need to make a monthly payment for SIPs. When users use the bank mandate function, the accounting process for mutual funds is made simpler. Therefore, by facilitating easy and convenient investing, the bank mandate plays an essential role for mutual fund investors who choose SIP mode.

Can I terminate my SIP? Will there be a fee or other consequence for doing so?

Yes, you can terminate your SIP at any moment and keep the savings fund you've already maintained. If you so desire, you could even restart the SIP at a later time. You won't be penalised if you end your SIP. However, depending on the type of fund and the duration of your holding period, exit loads may apply when redeeming your investment.

Does setting up of online investment account involves any charges?

There are no charges associated with setting up an online investment account. Now there is seamless documentation process in place, starting from investor being KYC compliant, and then facilitating the online investment account to transact and invest in mutual funds without any paperwork.

What happens to the investor’s money if an investment-partnered company winds up its operations?

The investments are made directly with AMCs (Asset Management Companies) regulated by SEBI, and no investment cheques are written out in the name of distributor/advisor. In case, something unfortunate happen to distributor/advisor, your investments will be freely available for you to access and transact directly, with zero impact.

I need to withdraw money fully or partially? How it can be done?

Redemptions (as well as additional purchases, switches, etc) can be for full amount as well as for desired amount unless the units are not locked in the funds like ELSS.

Today technology and online platform ensure that when you need it, your money is credited in your account fast and conveniently.

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How much to save for retirement planning?

How much to save for retirement planning?
Factors determining the retirement corpus:

  • Future value of current expenses.
  • Provision for medical including medicine at older age.
  • Tenure available for retirement.
  • Tenure from retirement till life expectancy.
  • Rate of return on investments (pre and post retirement).
  • Legacy for next generation.
How can I prepare an early retirement plan?

"Financial Independence, Retire Early" (F.I.R.E.) is an economic principle for early retirement planning. Determine your FIRE number by calculating how much money you'll need to save if you want to retire early. This will depend on your desired retirement lifestyle, anticipated future spending, and present expenses.

Here is how you can accomplish it:

  • Monitoring your discretionary spending
  • Save aggressively
  • invest in investments that bring in passive income
  • and track your progress.
How much should I plan for my children’s marriage?

Weddings today are multifaceted occasions with dreams of Indian parents and highly personalised dreams. With a larger budget, the wedding may stretch for four or five days. As you extend the number of celebration days, the expense of renting the venue, catering, and decorations rises. The appointment of an event manager or wedding planner will also incur additional fees. In addition, there are the customary expenses for jewelry, clothing, presents, and hair salons. First, decide what kind of wedding you are planning for your child. While peer and cultural pressure may lead you to spend more money, you are not required to keep up with the Joneses. Each person has different financial situations, so create a wedding budget based on your own.

What is inflation?

A general and progressive increase in prices is inflation. It reduces the purchasing power of money. If the present value of an asset is Rs 10000.00, you will need Rs 19672.00 to buy this asset after 10 years given inflation @ 7%.

What factors help in determining retirement corpus?

The monthly costs for utilities, rent, maid, driver, fuel, recreation, medications, etc. are also included in the Indian retirement calculator. The future value of these costs is calculated. The inflation rate is used by the calculator to predict the cost's future value. Personal details like marital status, dependents, place of residence, and habits are also taken into consideration when evaluating the retirement corpus. These specifics aid in comprehending the state of the family and in designing the plan appropriately. To determine how much more money is required to be invested in order to achieve financial independence after retirement, current investments are also evaluated. The retirement corpus can be calculated using the information above using an online retirement calculator.

When should I start saving for my children’s education?

It is advisable to begin saving for your child's education as soon as possible, even before he enters kindergarten, since this will save you from having to incur significant debt to pay for your child's additional education.

When should I start saving for my children marriage?

The sooner the better it is. Earlier investing will have small amount and the more you postpone the more pressure it will build in future.

Risk Management |


Financial Answers At Your Fingertips


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What distinguishes a term plan from an endowment plan?

Both are incredibly distinct products. Every person needs term insurance because it is a pure risk protection product. The nominee receives the sum assured under term insurance in the case of a premature death. Nothing is paid out if the client lives past the policy period. Customers can obtain extremely high-risk coverage for a small price. They are by far the least expensive type of risk insurance.

On the other hand, endowment plans are arrangements that combine investing and insurance. You receive both a life insurance and an investing component. Throughout the duration of the policy term, you continue to pay. You get the sum assured or maturity amount, which includes a bonus, at the moment of your premature death or when the insurance term ends, whichever comes first.

What is the difference between individual and family-floater health insurance plan?

An individual health insurance policy restricts the coverage of the policy to a single person whereas; a Family floater Insurance policy offers flexibility by allowing any member of the family to utilize the full sum Insured.

Can I cover my pre-existing diseases in a health insurance policy?

Generally, there is a waiting period for pre-existing illnesses and varies insurance policy that how soon can they be covered. But nowadays, there are certain health policies available which cover pre-existing disease from the start of the policy by paying some extra premium for it.

What is Personal Accident Insurance?

An annual policy known as personal accident insurance, or PA insurance, offers benefits in the event of injury, disability, or death entirely brought on by violent, accidental, external, and apparent events.  It is different from life insurance and medical & health insurance.

How is critical illness insurance different from health insurance?

While health insurance offers complete coverage, including hospitalization, critical insurance only covers life-threatening illnesses. Critical illness insurance covers for most of the life-threatening diseases. Health insurance, however, covers pre- and post-hospitalization expenses and valid hospital bills.

How to decide the sum assured for a term plan?

The amount of Life Insurance coverage you need will depend on many questions such as:

  • How many dependents do you have?
  • What kind of lifestyle do you want to provide for your family?
  • How much do you need for your children’s education?
  • What your investment needs are?
  • What your affordability is?

As a general practice, the calculation for Sum Assured in a Term Insurance policy is:

“Minimum Sum Assured = Annual Income x 10 times + Loans or Liabilities”

What all is covered under assets protection insurance?

Uncertainties can happen to anyone; therefore, different insurance products are available to protect different assets. Like, motor insurance covers your damages caused by accidents, theft, natural calamity, fire damages, etc. Home insurance protects your home from unpleasant events like burglary, fire, electrical failure, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters. Asset Protection Insurance is required to avoid the financial loss caused by the unforeseen incidents.

Do I need a personal health insurance policy even if I and my family are covered under an employer group insurance health plan?

Yes. It is highly recommended that one should avail of a separate health insurance policy, as the insurance provided by the employer is a shared policy and will be valid only for the period of employment. In addition, an individual health insurance policy can be customized according to your needs.

What is No Claim Bonus (NCB)?

No Claim Bonus is a discount that can be availed at the time of policy renewal. You are eligible for a No Claim Bonus if you have not registered a claim during the previous policy period.

What are the major risks of life?

Living too long and living too short are the major risks that need to be taken care of in life.

Wealth Management |


Financial Answers At Your Fingertips


Find answers to Common Financial Questions and make informed decisions

Do I need a lot of money to create wealth?

The idea that you need a lot of money to build wealth is a myth. Instead of more money, you need more time to compound your assets.

How much risk I should take in my portfolio?

Risk is a misunderstood term. Risk is not a constant, it is a variable. Risk factors in the same investment tool can vary with time horizon, interest rate movements, quality of the product, person-to-person (personal risk profile), etc.

One should understand what is your risk attached to a product, how much risk you can take, and how to handle the risk if required. Before investing if one has the answer to these questions then actually there is no risk. Investment returns match the risk appetite called Risk-adjusted returns. Higher-risk investments may be required if lower-risk products are not able to meet your financial goals.

When should a person begin investing?

There is never a right or wrong time to begin investing. What's essential is that you make the appropriate investing decision and make regular investments. To achieve your financial goals, it is crucial to create a solid financial strategy and adhere to it no matter what.

Uncertainties in the market and the economy rarely disappear. When one event is over, another one starts. Therefore, avoid focusing on the immediate situation. Build a vision for the future. Delaying your investments could cost you an opportunity.

When should I evaluate my portfolio?

Portfolio Evaluation can become handy in the following cases:

  • Sudden market movements
  • Periodic review
  • Changes in tax implications
  • Changes by the regulatory
  • Change in Personal Finances
Why should I invest?

The Short Answer: "Saving money only in your bank account isn't sufficient." Although saving money is crucial, it only reveals a portion of the story. The first stage for wise investors is to accumulate enough emergency funds, and after doing so, they should move on to investing in other financial instruments that would be more favorable after accumulating funds for three to six months that are easier to access. Since investing is a successful strategy to put your money to work and possibly increase your wealth, your money may grow in value and outpace inflation if you make wise investment decisions. The power of compounding and the trade-off between risk and return are the main reasons investment has higher growth potential.

Is Saving and investing the same terms or different?

No. Saving and investment both are different things. Excess of income over expenditure is saving. Generating a return on savings is called investment. A person saving and investing small amounts regularly over a longer period will create more wealth. Your future wealth is determined by how much you save and invest, not by how much you earn.

What is an asset allocation plan?

Every investment product return is linked to the risk attributed to it. The assets Allocation Plan helps to spread total investment into different Asset categories to balance risk and rewards on the total portfolio. Asset Allocation Plan depends upon various factors like the age of the investor, risk profile and tolerance capability, time horizon, etc.

What are the benefits of a Customized Investment Plan?

Here are some of the benefits you can reap from a Customised Investment Plan

  • Assess your current situation.
  • Have your goal assessment.
  • Understand your risk profile.
  • Select investment avenues.
  • opt for suitable asset allocation.
  • Execution, Monitoring, and rebalance.
What is the difference between SIP, SWP, and STP?


A systematic investment plan, or SIP, allocates a small amount of money at regular intervals (often once per month) for market investment. The SIP approach is advised for stock and mutual fund investments because it enables you to take part in the market while better managing risk.


A specific sum of money is routinely transferred from one mutual fund scheme to another under a STP, or systematic transfer plan. For instance, a STP might transfer Rs 10,000 each month from a debt fund to an equity fund run by the same AMC. Money is frequently transferred through a STP from a liquid or debt fund to an equity fund. This reduces an investor's risk by averaging out the acquisition price of the stock fund.


Numerous investors look for consistent cash flow from their assets, fixed-interest bank accounts, or postal deposits. Similar options are available in mutual funds with the SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan) designation. It is a mutual fund investment plan that enables investors to take specified amounts from any mutual fund scheme in which they have invested on a regular basis, such as monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

Are your investment returns beating inflation after paying taxes?

Whatever investment avenues you choose, the post-tax returns of your investment at least beats the inflation so that the real rate of return remains positive.

Financial Planning |


Financial Answers At Your Fingertips


Find answers to Common Financial Questions and make informed decisions

Why financial planning is important?

Financial planning is an organised strategy for achieving one's life objectives. A financial plan acts as a road map for your future finances. substantially, it assists you in taking charge of your earnings, expenses, and investments so that you may manage your money and reach your financial aspirations. One of the most effective ways to develop sound financial judgement is through financial planning. It controls unfavourable financial behaviour and aids in the formation of sound financial behaviour. Remember that having a good financial plan in place is essential for achieving financial prosperity.

What is the right time to go for financial planning exercise?

The best time frames to begin your financial planning journey can be divided into two categories:
I. The first time is when you take control of your finances and begin the process of becoming financially sound. It is at this point in your life that you start earning. You should begin considering how you can use your first paycheck to create a financially secure future as soon as you earn it.

II. RIGHT NOW is the second-best moment to begin financial planning. It is never too late to start your financial planning process and get organized with your money.

Is financial planning a one-time exercise?

Financial planning is not a one-time activity. A successful plan needs serious commitment and periodical review. It is generally suggested to revise financial plan annually or at major life changing event.

How much information I should share in financial plan preparation?
  • Your Financial Goals
  • Your Family Profile
  • Your Asset & Liabilities
  • Your Income & Expenses

For Goal Planning Assessment all you need to share is just the first two points and for comprehensive planning, all four detail points need to be shared.

What should I consider when creating a financial plan?

Start with WHY: Mention the reason you want to accomplish each objective in front of it as you go through the process of prioritising your goals. This is always the initial phase. What is the driving force behind this objective?

The 'What ifs': The moment for reflection finally arrives for us to consider the possible outcomes of accomplishing or failing to achieve each goal after providing a sincere justification and rationale for each one. How important a goal is to you is primarily determined by these potential repercussions.

If you have multiple goals, you should prioritise them with the first one being the most significant by conducting a Why and What if analysis on each one. Even though some of your goals may overlap, you must be very specific and set them apart according to your priorities.

Does financial planning affect the quality of life?

Absolutely! Here are some of the changes you’ll feel in your quality of life:

  1. Peace of mind, less stress, and better health.
  2. Empowerment and clarity in daily routine.
  3. The opportunity to live your best life.
  4. A pathway to financial freedom.
  5. Leaving an everlasting legacy.
How can I financially be prepared for an unforeseen event?

Although not all unforeseen events are bad, in general, but the significant ones that have an impact on your financial future might come as unpleasant surprises.

You may need to adjust how you think about and handle finances in relation to the possibility of an unanticipated financial crisis.

When emergencies and unplanned events arise, a little preparation and saving will make with them much simpler.

  • Establish an emergency fund
  • Obtain adequate insurance protection to cover your risks.
Why should you hire a professional financial planner?

A professional financial planner can help you in the following ways:

  • Undeniable expertise.
  • Reduced stress.
  • Helps to prepare for life transitions.
  • Great learning experience.
  • Eliminates emotions from investments.
  • Helps in debt control.
  • Enjoy a customized financial strategy.
  • Promotes coordination between your investment and goals.
  • Helps to choose the best investment opportunities.
  • Helps to prepare for life transitions.
What is an emergency fund? Why it is important?

An essential corpus that you must set aside for emergencies is an emergency fund. It is a fund that you can use in times of need or for unforeseen events; it is not intended to cover regular living expenses. Therefore, you must precisely build it to address any unforeseen financial needs that may arise for you. An emergency fund should be liquid in order to be able to pay for unforeseen needs; this is the most important factor to consider when deciding where to park your emergency cash. You ought to be able to quickly and easily withdraw the money as needed.

How often should my financial plan be reviewed?

It is appropriate to examine your financial plan once a year—around the time of your income increase—and make a few minor modifications to your investments. Other significant occurrences include promotions, job changes, layoffs, extended sabbaticals, early retirement, etc.

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